[Gambas-user] Gambs authors list

Benoît Minisini g4mba5 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 26 23:57:32 CEST 2018

Le 26/10/2018 à 20:39, Benoît Minisini a écrit :
> Hi,
> The list of Gambas authors and translators is now inside in the standard 
> AUTHORS files, located on the root of the source directory.
> If you are concerned, can you check that file and tell me if you see 
> some errors or omissions? I'm sure there are...
> I want it to be clean for the release of Gambas 3.12.
> Thanks in advance.

It seems tht my new keybord hs lredy key tht fils to trigger. Sigh...

Benoît Minisini

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