[Gambas-user] Release of Gambas 3.11.3

PICCORO McKAY Lenz mckaygerhard at gmail.com
Thu May 17 16:38:18 CEST 2018

2018-05-17 10:20 GMT-04:00 Rolf-Werner Eilert <rwe-sse at osnanet.de>:

> For those who maintain projects on older hardware or kernel or qt
> versions, is there an archive of Gambas versions to download the latest
> release for a special environment?
> Over the years, I kept all versions of Gambas 2 and 3 I downloaded for me
> just in case I would have to step back. Hasn't occured yet, as far as I
> remember, but one never knows ;)
i mantain some kind of archive but only of my compilations for debian
lenny, squeeze.. of gambas 3.4, 3.8 and 3.11 only

but git and sf.net have also tarballs of each version released!

> Regards
> Rolf
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