[Gambas-user] DataSource filter using Like operator

Gianluigi bagonergi at gmail.com
Fri May 4 23:03:59 CEST 2018

Hi Hernest,
excuse me so much, I did not understand that your request is about the
DataBrowser component.
The search in the Help index is completely different.
I still apologize.


2018-05-04 22:24 GMT+02:00 Ernest Wilson <ewilson at junkheaven.com>:

> I'll take a look. Thanks for the suggestion.
> Regards,
> Ernest Wilson
> On 05/04/2018 03:16 PM, Gianluigi wrote:
> If you Download seHelpBuilder from the Software farm the help index works
> just the way you want it.
> Regards
> Gianluigi
> 2018-05-04 20:04 GMT+02:00 Ernest Wilson <gambasml at junkheaven.com>:
>> I am using Gambas 3.10.0 and trying to implement a "Find" on a form
>> displaying a database of people. So far, the form works perfectly for
>> maintaining the database, however, the "Find" is not working as I would
>> like. I have attempted to implement the "Find" using a DataSource filter as
>> described below, but, the result is not as I expected. Any guidance will be
>> appreciated.
>> On a form I have a DataBrowser displaying the content of an SQLite
>> database table containing a list of people. The fields consist of:
>>     ID - ID Number
>>     FName - Persons first name and possibly an initial
>>     LName - Persons surname
>>     Company - Persons employer
>>     Various other fields with persons information
>> Also, on the form are a TextBox for user entry, a button for "Find" and a
>> button for "Clear".
>> The desired action is as follows:
>> User enters any substring of the persons name (first name or surname) in
>> the TextBox and clicks the "Find" Button. The matching records are
>> displayed in the DataBrowser. When the user clicks the "Clear" button, the
>> DataBrowser displays all the records.
>> Example: If I have records for (1) Jack Smith, (2) Sally Simple, (3) Jack
>> B. Nimble, (4) John Dough, (5) Jack B. Quick, entering:
>> "Jack" should return records 1, 3, 5
>> "im" should return records 2, 3
>> "s" should return records 1, 2
>> "Jack B" should return records 3, 5
>> I have implemented the "Find" button as follows:
>> Public Sub Button1_Click()
>>   'Find Button
>>   Dim $findtext As String
>>   Dim $filterstr As String
>>   $findtext = TextBox1.Text 'Assignment to a variable seems to be
>> required for DB.Subst
>>   $filterstr = DB.Subst("LName LIKE &1 OR FName LIKE &1", $findtext)
>> 'Look for Find entry in either First or Last name
>>   TextBox2.Text = $filterstr 'Debugging output
>>   DataSource1.Filter = $filterstr
>>   DataBrowser1.Refresh
>>   FormatDataBrowser1 'Set column widths, header alignment, etc.
>> End
>> The result I get is only an exact match of the string entered in the
>> TextBox, as if I had used "=" instead of "Like" as the operator in the
>> filter string.
>> I am obviously missing something, or have taken a wrong approach.
>> Suggestions will be appreciated.
>> Regards,
>> Ernest Wilson
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