[Gambas-user] Hope I'm doing this correctly - I'm searching for help to reference a control using a variable

David Eaton gcos7 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 22 05:07:34 CET 2018

I'm new to this mailing list idea - I don't know how they work or if I'm posting into the correct one.
I am looking for some help in programming with Gambas.  In particular, I have a program that has several label controls.  I need to be able to set properties on these labels via a variable - similar to this pseudo code:
dim stringx as string = ""dim myint as integer = 1
myint = somenumber_determined_at_runtime
stringx = "Label" & myintStringx.propertiy = somevalue_determined_at_runtime
I was able to do this in Visual Basic following some samples on the internet.
Is there a way to do this in Gambas?
Thank you, and if I have put this in the completely wrong place please let me know.
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