[Gambas-user] Copy file from project

Jorge CarriĆ³n shordi at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 11:08:09 CET 2018

Try this:


without beginning with dot (./)

When you set the ./ you are mentioning the working directory of the
project, that isn't the same in executable that in IDE.

Hope It works.

Best regards

2018-03-16 10:00 GMT+01:00 Gianluigi <bagonergi at gmail.com>:

> Am I not able to understand or is there something that does not work?
> Attached two projects that, if launched by the IDE, work and that is
> copying all images and subfolders in "/tmp".
> But if I work with executables (positioned within projects) the project
> TestDirImage2 only copies visible images and TestDirImage3 does not work
> and does not write anything in the log file.
> Regards
> Gianluigi
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