[Gambas-user] Gambas form on a certain screen

Charlie Ogier charlie at cogier.com
Tue Mar 13 14:37:00 CET 2018

Hi Rolf,

I have done a bit of testing and if you put the code below in your 
program it will open in the first Workspace. Note that Workspaces start 
at '0' not '1'
I tested this on Mint 18 (Cinnamon) and it worked straight away. I have 
got it working on Kubuntu 17.10 but needed to install 'wmctrl' first.
Just change the '0' to the Workspace you want the program to open in.
I had a bit of fun testing 'wmctrl' with the attached program.


Public Sub _new()

Shell "wmctrl -s 0" Wait


On 13/03/18 11:03, Rolf-Werner Eilert wrote:
> Just curious: Is it possible to define a screen for a form to open in?
> Up to now, I can define a window for an application AND/OR an 
> application's form in KDE, i. e. KDE remembers "this program should be 
> opened on screen X".
> Thanks for your advice.
> Rolf
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