[Gambas-user] Filtering listbox list

Shannon Kuchler shannon at inflecto.org
Sun Mar 11 22:03:08 CET 2018

This code works
Public Sub TextBox4_KeyRelease()Dim i As Integer
Dim l As Integer
i = (-1)


If TextBox4.Text = "" Then ListBox6.List = ListBox1.List
 If TextBox4.Text <= " " Then Return ' not searchable
 For l = 0 To ListBox1.List.Max
 Inc i
 If ListBox1[i].Text Like TextBox4.Text & "*" Then ' found another

I could not get it to work with out the "Inc i" perhaps I'm missing something there. Before it wasn't catching listbox1.index(0)  so I had to add "i = (-1)"However it still need something because it only 1/2 works

for instance this is the data in listbox1

The Dying Lands
Bad Company
Valmod Expansion Pack
Valmod Overhaul Pack
Darkness Falls (BBP)
War Of The Walkers 5.2 (BBP)
if I type "v" in textbox4 I get this output to listbox6 which I expected 

Valmod Expansion Pack
Valmod Overhaul Pack
However if I type "t" in textbox4 I get this output to listbox6 

The Dying Lands
I expected 't" to give me everything that had a 't' like this

The Dying LandsStarvationWar Of The Walkers 5.2 (BBP)

Good advice on using ListBox.List.Max.

I have found the KeyRelease event to be more reliable in regards to having access to the actual, current keystroke value.

And, instead of looping through List, I personally would simply use ListBox.Find.


On 03/11/2018 09:37 AM, Gianluigi wrote:
> Maybe you could use the KeyPress event with "If Key.Code = Key.Return Then ...",
> "Inc i" is useless and you should use ListBox1.List.Max (or ListBox1.count -1) instead of ListBox1.Count to avoid the 'out of
> bound' error.
> Regards
> Gianluigi
> 2018-03-11 10:33 GMT+01:00 Shannon Kuchler <shannon at inflecto.org <mailto:shannon at inflecto.org>>:
>     __
>         -I think I figured it out
>         Public Sub TextBox4_KeyRelease()
>         Dim i As Integer
>         Dim l As Integer
>         ListBox6.Clear
>               If TextBox4.text > "z" Or TextBox4.text < " " Then Return
>               For l = 0 To ListBox1.Count
>                 Inc i
>                   If ListBox1[i].Text Like TextBox4.Text & "*" Then ' found another
>                   ListBox6.Add(ListBox1[i].Text)
>               Endif
>               Next
>         End


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