[Gambas-user] Filtering listbox list

Gianluigi bagonergi at gmail.com
Sun Mar 11 14:37:51 CET 2018

Maybe you could use the KeyPress event with "If Key.Code = Key.Return Then
"Inc i" is useless and you should use ListBox1.List.Max (or ListBox1.count
-1) instead of ListBox1.Count to avoid the 'out of bound' error.


2018-03-11 10:33 GMT+01:00 Shannon Kuchler <shannon at inflecto.org>:

> -I think I figured it out
> Public Sub TextBox4_KeyRelease()
> Dim i As Integer
> Dim l As Integer
> ListBox6.Clear
>       If TextBox4.text > "z" Or TextBox4.text < " " Then Return
>       For l = 0 To ListBox1.Count
>         Inc i
>           If ListBox1[i].Text Like TextBox4.Text & "*" Then ' found another
>           ListBox6.Add(ListBox1[i].Text)
>       Endif
>       Next
> End
> Sorry I didn't explain myself well enough maybe I'll get it right this
> time.
> I'm trying to filter the List of a ListBox based on the text property of a
> textBox with the results being added to another listbox during a key event
> I hope that make more sense
> > Using Gambas 3.10 I'm looking for a way to filter the content of a
> ListBox using TextBox_KeyPress()
> >
> >
> > I know it can be done, but honesty have no idea where to start.
> Just to be clear, are you saying that you want to filter the List of a ListBox based on the Text property of a TextBox? (I
> actually have to wonder how you know it can be done.)
> ListBox has no 'mask' property. So, since ListBox.List is a string array, you would have to:
> 1. maintain a separate string array,
> 2. fill the ListBox.List from that original array,
> 3. on a key event, clear the List and then refill it incrementally from the original array using String[].Find (with Mode=gb.Like).
> If you instead are wanting to do incremental searching, you can do that relatively easily by setting the ListBox.Index with
> ListBox.Find. But, you'll want to use the KeyRelease event.
> [code]
> Public Sub Form_Open()
>   With ListBox1
>     .List = ["abcd", "abce", "abde", "bcde", "bdef"]
>     .Mode = Select.Single
>   End With
>   TextBox1.SetFocus
> End
> Public Sub TextBox1_KeyRelease()
>   ListBox1.Index = ListBox1.Find(TextBox1.Text & "*", gb.Like)
> End
> [/code]
> --
> Lee
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