[Gambas-user] Gambas Farm

Charlie Ogier charlie at cogier.com
Wed Jun 27 18:47:17 CEST 2018

Hello Claude,

"How to put a program there?"  You need to to click on the menu 
*Project>Publish* (Projet>Publier).

Check out *15PuzzelGame* & *BarcodeCreator* that both have French 


Bonjour Claude,

"Comment y mettre un programme ?"  Vous devez cliquer sur le menu 

Regardez *15PuzzelGame* & *BarcodeCreator* qui ont tous les deux des 
traductions en français.


On 27/06/18 17:19, CD wrote:
> Hello,
> in the IDE Gambas, in the tools menu there is an Item Logithèque (i 
> think  Farm in english)  with many projects all very interesting.
> 1) I registered without difficulty. When I connect, I do not see 
> anything to disconnect me, weird!
> 2) There is a topic with my login, obviously there is nothing in it, 
> am a new kid, in Gambas. I do not see any button to download packages 
> to a server. How to put a program there?
> Regards
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