[Gambas-user] User library

Antonio Teixeira antonio.j.teixeira at gmail.com
Wed Jun 27 11:19:07 CEST 2018

Hi everyone,

I am trying for the first time to make a library and then use her.
I saw the wiki page about that but I cant to put the library to work.
I build a library like that:

*Export *
*Public Sub Main()*
*  Print "Hello world"*
*Public Function test() As String*
*  Return "test"*
*End *

Defined as library, and version is 1.0.0

On my program I defined the library in the project/libraries
and my code to access the function is:

*Private Extern test() In "zzzzzzz.1.0"*

*Public Sub _new()*
*  Dim a As String *

* a = test()*


I think the "extern" definition isnt correct but I cant find any
information about how she must be.

Any help please?

Thanks in advance.

Antonio Teixeira
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