[Gambas-user] TerminalView question

Charlie Ogier charlie at cogier.com
Sun Jun 17 12:53:01 CEST 2018

Hi Mike,

You can use *Desktop.Sendkeys* to do this. If you download 
*EasyTerminal* from the Gambas Farm and have a look at the *Public Sub 
SendTheKeys* for an example.


On 16/06/18 18:17, mikeB wrote:
> eGreetings Gambas support list,
> I have placed a "TerminalView" control on a form.
> Is there any way to insert text (a command line) into
> it via code? i.e (ffmpeg -i source.avi target.mp4)then
> somehow automatically press the return key (to activate).
> I thought I read somewhere that you could but can't find
> much documentation on this control ;-(
> Thanking you in advance for any direction on how to do this,
> mikeB
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