[Gambas-user] abs as external function

vuott at tiscali.it vuott at tiscali.it
Sun Jun 10 23:29:36 CEST 2018

When the identifier of an external function coincides with the
identifier of a Gambas function, it is necessary to change the name of
the external function and to use Exec. 

Ad exemplum: 

' int abs (int
 Public Extern abs_C(number As Integer) As Integer Exec "abs"

You use the name abs_C, but tell Gambas that it has to use the real
abs () function.

Il 10.06.2018 21:59 Jussi Lahtinen ha scritto: 

Gambas does the conversions for you, thus interger and long are just
subsets of float. In C that is completely different thing. 
> In other
words, Gambas Abs does everything what int abs, long abs and float abs
combined does in C. 
> Jussi 
> On Sun, Jun 10, 2018 at 10:52 PM,
Demosthenes Koptsis wrote:
>> just for compatibility of porting libc

>> there are int abs, long abs, single abs, float abs 
Gambas abs is only for floats 
>> not great function but it gave us
the bug to autocomplete system! 
>> On 06/10/2018 10:30 PM, Jussi
Lahtinen wrote: 
>>> Yes, but why bother? Gambas already has abs().

>>> Jussi 
>>> On Sun, Jun 10, 2018 at 10:09 PM, Demosthenes
Koptsis wrote:
>>>> is this correct?
>>>> 'int abs (int
>>>> Public Extern {abs}(number As Integer) As Integer

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