[Gambas-user] Compilation AND Installation

PICCORO McKAY Lenz mckaygerhard at gmail.com
Fri Jun 1 14:25:25 CEST 2018

it's clear that you not have meet depends, so ide cannot be compiled!

it's clear do you not have qt4 or/either qt5

another win-hat.. i mean fedora misctake by the usage so simple of the
command line installations

solution be more specific with the packages to install,

for win.fedora the needs are:

dnf install qt5-qttools-devel <https://pkgs.org/download/qt5-qttools-devel>
qt5-qtwebkit <https://pkgs.org/download/qt5-qtwebkit>

(was yum install qt-devel qt-doc qt-creator in olders or if will use qt4

qt are need for the ide and some important gambas components

another final solution its use a rel linux XD

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)

2018-06-01 8:09 GMT-04:00 Mayost Sharon <sharon at 455.co.il>:

> Hello
> fedora 28 workstation 64bit
> first i install
> dnf groupinstall -y "C Development Tools and Libraries" "D Development
> Tools and
> Libraries" "Development Tools"
> I tried to compile according to the instructions
> I attach the output.txt file
> I see that there are new files such as:
> /bin/gba3  /bin/gbh3         /bin/gbi3  /bin/gbs3         /bin/gbw3
> /bin/gbc3  /bin/gbh3.gambas  /bin/gbr3  /bin/gbs3.gambas  /bin/gbx3
> But I can not find how to run the IDE
> Thanks for the help
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