[Gambas-user] DataSource Sort Problem

Ernest Wilson gambasml at junkheaven.com
Fri Jul 20 15:04:45 CEST 2018

I have attached a sample project that demonstrates the problem.

The project I am developing has some additional fields in the table,
including a boolean field that indicates the tax status of the process
record (True is taxable, False in not taxable). The boolean field is
represented on the Form by a DataCheckbox.

As I was building the test project, I realized that the code in my
previous email works correctly if the DataCheckbox is removed from the Form.

Ernest Wilson

On 07/19/2018 09:39 AM, Benoît Minisini wrote:
> Le 19/07/2018 à 16:00, Ernest Wilson a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> I'm using Gambas 3.11.2 and have an error with the Sort property of 
>> the DataSource.
>> The DataSource on my Form connects to an SQLite Table consisting of 
>> fields "ProcessID" and "ProcessTitle". The records are displayed in a 
>> DataBrowser which functions properly.
>> I would like to have records displayed in order by the "ProcessTitle" 
>> field, so I have used the following code to initialize the DataSource 
>> when opening the Form:
>>    With DataSource1
>>      .Connection = Connection5
>>      .Table = "Processes"
>>      .Sort = "ProcessTitle"
>>    End With
>> The sort works properly when records are displayed, however, an error 
>> dialog displaying the message "Invalid value" is presented before the 
>> form opens. Clicking the OK response to the error dialog allows the 
>> window to open and everything functions normally.
>> If I comment out the line with .Sort = "ProcessTitle", the error does 
>> not occur, but of course, there is no sort.
>> Any ideas about how to fix this, will be much appreciated.
> If you can provide a little project (with a little database) that 
> reproduces the bug, it would be great.

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