[Gambas-user] Tab's

Gianluigi bagonergi at gmail.com
Sun Jul 15 09:18:02 CEST 2018

And if You use Key.Return?


2018-07-15 2:23 GMT+02:00 Shane <buster6seven at gmail.com>:

> gave this a try and its not working
> my code
> if key.code = key["ENTER"] then
> my sent key.code = 65293 and the value for key["ENTER"] = 65421
> i tried this with if key.code = key.enter and got the same result whats
> going on ?
> cheers Shane.
> On 14/07/18 23:54, Adam Ant wrote:
> As far as I remember, you will need to use the KeyRelease event, something
> along the lines of:
> Public Sub MyControl_KeyRelease(???)
>   If Key = Key.Return then
>      MyControl.Next.Activate ' or MyControl.Next.SetFocus
> or something like that. It's been a year or so....
> This IIRC works for most controls, maybe not gridview and posibly checkbox?
> hth
> Bruce
> On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 5:48 PM, Bill <bill-lancaster at brackenwood.one>
> wrote:
>> I use the Activate event and the LostFocus so that either the 'enter' key
>> or the tab key moves to the next control after the contents of the text box
>> has been checked
>> Bill
>> On 14/07/18 08:29, Shane wrote:
>>> Yep got that
>>> but i want to this while in my program not the ide
>>> so in my program i want to press enter and it would act like i was
>>> pressing the tab key
>>> hope this make scene
>>> thanks for your help
>>> regrades Shane.
>>> On 14/07/18 15:57, Karl Reinl wrote:
>>>> Am Samstag, den 14.07.2018, 14:33 +1000 schrieb Shane:
>>>>> how can I enter a value in a component and then press enter and have my
>>>>> program tab into the next component in the tab order?
>>>>> cheers Shane.
>>>>> Salut Shane,
>>>> on a form, choose the property window and open the second Tab (think its
>>>> called hierarchy)
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