[Gambas-user] Gridview UnselectAll

Rolf-Werner Eilert rwe-sse at osnanet.de
Mon Jan 29 17:58:03 CET 2018

Am 29.01.2018 17:00, schrieb Antonio Teixeira:
> ​Hi,
> Thank you Gianluigi for your answer.
> The problem is I dont wan to to use the main form with form1 open. The
> problem apears after I close form1. I just want to click on the grid
> when I just have main form open and form1 closed.
> How to I reply to a message on forum? You replied but how can I continue
> the thread? Thank you​
> ​Regards
> António Teixeira

Ahh, ok... You want to click on the grid, and form1 shall close 
automatically? So Form1 closes EITHER when you click on its Close button 
OR if you click on the grid?

Let me make a guess: Still you have to open form1 with Show, not 
ShowModal, and then, from the Grid1, in the Click event, close form1... 
Difficult! You have to check if Form1 is already open or has to be openend.

Or did I get you wrong here?

As to the mailing list, in my mailing program (Thunderbird), usually 
there are two Answer buttons when I read mails from the list. Either 
there is "Answer" and "Answer to List" (which is correct) or there is 
"Answer" and "Answer to All" (which is caused by the mailing program of 
the other guy). So if I can click on "Answer to List", everything is 
fine. Otherwise, I have to use "Answer to All" and then delete the 
personal address of the other guy to prevent a copy is sent to his 
personal address as well.


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