[Gambas-user] Format$ for numbers

Benoît Minisini g4mba5 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 16:08:23 CEST 2018

Le 07/08/2018 à 16:05, Gianluigi a écrit :
> I confirm the bugs, for the separator of thousands, already reported on 
> Format$ (in French a space in German, Spanish and Italian an underscore 
> stroke), so I have the excuse to ask what form is correct:
> This --> Print Format$(n, "#,###.#0")
> Or this --> Print Format$(n, "#,#.#0")
> Or...
> Regards
> Gianluigi

Thousand separators are used as soon as there is a comma in the 
formatting string before the point, and at least one digit.


Benoît Minisini

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