[Gambas-user] What is missed: pointer to control name

Rolf-Werner Eilert rwe-sse at osnanet.de
Tue Apr 24 12:14:09 CEST 2018

This is one thing I sometimes miss.

Just an example from my current project.

- I have GridView1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

- There is an array of strings for the GridView titles.

Now I want a ptr = titlearray.Find("Title3"), pointing to item no. 2. In 
code, however, I have to do a

Select ptr
Case 0
	something "GridView1"
Case 1
	something "GridView2"
case 2
	something "GridView3"
End select

If I could simply Something GridViewX (where X is my ptr - 1) it was 
much, much easier.

Do you agree, or am I completely wrong here?


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