[Gambas-user] Problem with Shell Gambas 3.10.0

PICCORO McKAY Lenz mckaygerhard at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 19:28:30 CEST 2018

i think that directory with spaces are a bad practice and also seems the
command line you have invoqued a wrong shell

noted the firts try execute in BASH and the error try execute in SH that
are not the same

that's the problem ok..  so your command are fully bad practice

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)

2018-04-19 13:12 GMT-04:00 Shannon Kuchler <shannon at inflecto.org>:

> This is the Shell command I'm trying to run
> p1 = Shell "steamcmd +login" & " " & UserName & " " & PassWD & " " &
> "+force_install_dir" & " " & CacheSaveLocation & "/" & dlDat[1] & " " &
> "+app_update 251570 -beta" & " " & dlDat[1] & " " & "+quit" Wait For Input
> As "Process"
> in console it should look like this
> steamcmd +login username password +force_install_dir dirname/dirname
> +app_update 251570 -beta dirname  +quit
> The problem is on most systems the shell command works just fine but on
> one system with a fresh install of  arch linux i get this error
> /bin/sh: +force_install_dir: command not found
> it like it's skipping everything up to +force_install_dir in the command
> does anyone know why?
> I can get it to work like this but  CacheDir is a directory with spaces
> same thing for dlDat1 it has spaces as well so that's not working either
> p1 = Exec ["steamcmd", "+login", UserName, PassWD, "+force_install_dir",
> CacheDir, "+app_update", "251570", "-beta", dlDat1, "+quit"] For Input As
> "Process"
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