[Gambas-user] Different quantities of seconds from UNIX date...

vuott at tiscali.it vuott at tiscali.it
Sat Apr 7 23:13:21 CEST 2018

  > By using a external standard C function, its result is same that
.ToUnixTime() Method:

Obviously still no 72384C08 fix.

Il 07.04.2018
19:39 vuott at tiscali.it ha scritto: 

> By using a external standard C
function, its result is same that .ToUnixTime() Method:
> Library
> Public Struct timespec
> tv_sec As Long
> tv_nsec As
> End Struct
> Private Const CLOCK_REALTIME As Integer = 0
' int clock_gettime (clockid_t __clock_id, struct timespec *__tp)
> '
Get current value of clock CLOCK_ID and store it in TP.
> Private Extern
clock_gettime(__clock_id As Integer, __tp As Timespec) As Integer
Public Sub Main()
> Dim spec As New Timespec
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, spec)
> Print spec.tv_sec, "(from
external function)"
> Print CFloat(Date.ToUnixTime(Now)), "(with
.ToUnixTime() Method)"
> Print CFloat(DateDiff("01/01/1970 04:00:00",
Now, gb.Second)), "(by adding 4 hours)"
> Print
> Print
CFloat(DateDiff("01/01/1970", Now, gb.Second)), "(--> NO added hours)"

> End
> regards
> vuott
> Il 07.04.2018 18:47 Gianluigi ha
>> 2018-04-07 18:15 GMT+02:00 Benoît Minisini :
>>> Le
07/04/2018 à 02:02, vuott at tiscali.it [1] a écrit :
>>>> Hello,

>>>> I do not understand why these two lines do not return the same
>>>> Public Sub Main()
>>>> Print
CFloat(DateDiff(CDate("01/01/1970"), Now, gb.Second))
>>>> Print
CFloat(Date.ToUnixTime(Now)) ' Obviously we have to activate "gb.util"
>>>> End
>>>> So that the two results are
identical, I have to add 4 hours !
>>>> Public Sub Main()

>>>> Print CFloat(DateDiff(CDate("01/01/1970 04:00:00"), Now,
gb.Second)) ' Here I have to add 4 hours !
>>>> Print
>>>> End
>>>> regards
>>> It's a bug in Date.ToUnixTime() and Date.FromUnixTime()
>>> Can you try with commit
[2] ?
>>> Regards,
>>> -- 
>>> Benoît Minisini
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>> Sorry, I know I'm the most
ignorant of all, but I think the error is in DateDif and not in
ToUnixTime, as (perhaps) demonstrated as follows:
>> Public Sub
>> unix
>> diff
>> End
>> Private Sub unix()
Dim i, u, r As Float
>> i = 60 * 60 * 24 ' ms of one day
>> u =
CFloat(Date.ToUnixTime(Now)) ' epoc ms
>> r = u / i
>> r = Frac(r) '
>> Print Time(r) ' UTC correct
>> End
>> Private Sub
>> Dim i, u, r As Float
>> i = 60 * 60 * 24 ' ms of one
>> u = CFloat(DateDiff("01/01/1970", Now, gb.Second)) ' epoc
>> r = u / i
>> r = Frac(r) ' remainder
>> Print Time(r) ' UTC
incorrect (+ 4 hrs)
>> End
>> Regards
>> Gianluigi
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