[Gambas-user] a novice question = advise on were to start?

mikeB mikeB at ...3673...
Thu Sep 21 19:55:25 CEST 2017

eGreetings the World of Gambas,

First of all - I'd like to sincerely thank any/ all (special BIG THANKS 
goes out to Tobi and Adrien) of you that help me understand the Gambas 
way of "hashing" a password and implementing "encryption". Just 
released, what I think is a pretty cool Linux Mint app - after beating 
my head against the puter monitor endlessly ;-)

My next project is to TRY to develop a Gambas app that is a WYSIWYG type
app something (but much simpler) like "M$ Front Page" or "Adobe 

I could just start hack'n at it - but if anyone has any advise on where 
to start or what to look at = I'd GREATLY APPRECIATE IT!

I realize that a lot of you true Linux gurus will say "why would anyone 
want this - just learn HTML code" but I'm think'n that there are more 
folks out there that just want to create and publish a web page or two 
then spend a week, month or year learning to code;-)

Have a GREAT day,

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