[Gambas-user] lost

mikeB mikeB at ...3673...
Sat Sep 9 17:50:06 CEST 2017


I've noticed lots of work must be going on with Gambas edit, etc

cuz of the many emails (that I really do not understand any of them

as these are from/ to the 'development guys).

A few days ago Gambas stopped working on my system - I can not edit

anything on the form nor code. I have reinstalled and done everything I

know of to get it going again. I noticed that the components gb.desktop

and gb.desktop.x11 staus seemed to change (the little green icon is

now only i/2 filled.

PLEASE - in plain speak (so even I can understand) is there a way to fix

or should I just wait untill all the developers get their thing done?

Regards and sorry for my lack of knowledge,


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