No subject

Thu Oct 26 19:20:09 CEST 2017

But nither from FMain and from FCluster can write variabes in

It means that the class  of FMain can not send values to the variables of=20
other classes , nither a class (not FMain) can send values to other classes
which are not FMain ...Why this ?

It seems a big limitation.
For FMain the instruction:

      IF cw_on THEN FrmCW.CWCall.text =3D Call.Text

Simply does nothing...nither gives error.

In the class of FCluster=20
  FMain.Call.Text =3D GridSpot[GridSpot.row, 0].Text ' <-- this is ok
  IF FMain.cw_on THEN FrmCW.CWCall.text =3D GridSpot[GridSpot.row, 0].Text =
' <--=20=20

The first instruction works, but the second does nothing.

 Why ?

Is there some trick or workaround ?

For the same reason, I guess,  it does not even work the example in suggest=

the instruction=20

hSuperControl.Move(8, 8, 128, 64)

if given into the FMain class gives error..."Not enough parameters"

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