[Gambas-user] How to package Gambas for Debian/Ubuntu?

PICCORO McKAY Lenz mckaygerhard at gmail.com
Wed Nov 29 22:50:36 CET 2017

so, you must to learn how to package, your question was wrong formulated,
right question its:

"i want to produce my own made packages from scrat"

this its a not close to gambas, its more close to debian so then i send
personal mails to you to adressed that

i'm on -400 UTC so in 2 hours i send mails to you, with basics, later by
yourselt integrate with git the process from debian official documentation
for packagers..

but in short way and older method:

* download the sources with wget
* rename dorectory to "gambas-x.y.z" or <name>-<version>
* run inside that directory dh_make --createorig (today there's better ways)
* edit the files debian/control etc (recomented use the ppa dsc sources as
* run later the dpkg-buildpackage

debian sources are 3 files: the dsc, the diff's from original (today with
quilt) and the orig tarball.s

recents methods use the git but need more reading.. see you later to

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)

2017-11-29 17:30 GMT-04:00 Christof Thalhofer <chrisml at deganius.de>:

> Am 29.11.2017 um 21:47 schrieb PICCORO McKAY Lenz:
> > umm dio you means "create a repo with my own made packages"
> Not really. I want to create the gambas3*.deb files. All. I want to
> "package Gambas for Debian/Ubuntu".
> > 1) for make the packages, there's a easy way, download the sources (dsc
> > file ) from the ppa snapshot, decompress with dpkg-source -x
> > gambas_123412.dsc get in directory and run dpkg-buildpackage
> > note: if you need your own update, i send a better way later in gambas
> > wiki..
> Yes, I need my own version, not the one from launchpad!
> > 2) once ready the amount of packages, put those in a weserver exposed
> > directory named gambas3 adn runs inside that directory :
> > dpkg-scanpackages -m gambas3 /dev/null > Packages
> > then in sources list can get it with "deb http://serverip/gambas3 ./"
> >
> > NOTE this its a very short way and ugly way .. for better i can made a
> > personal made for you
> Thank you! I use reprepro to create all my own repositories. I use Apt
> for software deployment. Ok? So what I want to do is like that:
> 1) I want to update local sources of Gambas3 with Git.
> (For me no problem)
> 2) Then I want to create Debian and/or Ubuntu packages of Gambas3 and
> all components. Here is the problem!
> 3) After that I can create the repositories with reprepro.
> (For me no problem!)
> Alles Gute
> Christof Thalhofer
> --
> Dies ist keine Signatur
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