[Gambas-user] How to enumerate through SQL Result (was Re: Gambas-user Digest, Vol 132, Issue 29)

T Lee Davidson t.lee.davidson at ...626...
Thu May 25 17:35:19 CEST 2017

On 05/25/2017 05:24 AM, Unaise EK wrote:
> this is my code for displaying data in listbox, but it did not working, pls
> help
> Public Procedure AddList()
>    Dim ListQurey As String
>    Dim Lresult As Result
>    ListQurey = "SELECT name FROM name_tbl"
>    Lresult = MODMain.MyConn.Exec(ListQurey)
>    If Lresult.Count > 0 Then
>    *  Do While Not Eof(Lresult)*
>        ListBox1.Add(Lresult!"name")
>        Lresult.MoveNext
>      Loop
>    Endif
> End

I don't know why you are trying to use Eof() on a SQL Result. Eof is for a Stream.


"This class is enumerable with the FOR EACH keyword."

And, I believe 'ListBox1.Add(Lresult!"name")' should be 'ListBox1.Add(Lresult!name)' or 'ListBox1.Add(Lresult["name"])'.

Also, please try to compose meaningful subject lines by creating a _new_ message instead of simply replying to a message that is 
not related to your issue. That helps those who view list messages in threaded mode. TIA.


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