[Gambas-user] Configure real httpd for gb.web.form

Tobias Boege taboege at ...626...
Tue Mar 14 01:59:41 CET 2017

On Mon, 13 Mar 2017, PICCORO McKAY Lenz wrote:
> 2017-03-13 18:09 GMT-04:00 Tobias Boege <taboege at ...626...>:
> > On Thu, 16 Feb 2017, BenoƮt Minisini wrote:
> > > > Normal Gambas CGI, i.e. a Gambas script with gb.web, also works fine.
> > > >
> > > > But I have no idea about gb.web.form.
> > >
> > > Projects using gb.web.form are CGI scripts too, no difference.
> >
> after too much reading and testing, proyects with or without web.form
> compiled produce a gambas exceutable file
> Nginx doesn't have native CGI support (it supports fastCGI instead). The
> typical solution for this is to run your gambas script as a fastCGI process
> and edit the nginx config file to re-direct requests to the fastCGI
> process. This is quite a complex solution if all you want to do is run a
> CGI script.
> a trick lke the gambasforge does, rename the gambas executable file and
> added a extension, and follow the same recipe as do with perl.. as i said
> this are quite complicated process due there's no wrapper for gambas cgi
> scripts.. so must be a socket that ngynx can listen to manage the
> cgi/gambas program as real cgi

As I already said in my first mail (quoted above), I can run Gambas CGI
projects, be it .gbs scripts or .gambas executables (and yes, it goes
through an fcgi wrapper).

What I cannot run is a specific project of mine and that problem seems to
be independent of gb.web.form, as Benoit said, but purely a webserver
configuration issue. It's been 2+ weeks already since I last fiddled around
with it, but I remember noting that the problem was with CGI variables not
being set correctly by my nginx configuration, so that in particular
Request.Path and Application.Root came out mangled after the URL rewriting,
giving all kinds of problems, as you can imagine.


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