[Gambas-user] replace beetween two strings

Fernando Cabral fernandojosecabral at ...626...
Fri Jul 28 19:43:04 CEST 2017

2017-07-28 13:11 GMT-03:00 PICCORO McKAY Lenz <mckaygerhard at ...626...>:

> " string pepe pablo, data toto made thinker data2 \" and also a pizza"
> i what to remove all the string or extrac all the string beetween the
> "data" fist ocurrence and the next after that ocurrence..

".*?data (.*?) data2" saves the substring between "data" and "data2" to the
first buffer.

You can recover it with &1 (\1 in more traditional regex replace).

- fernando

> i try to do but in the for each always replace twice..
> Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)
> http://qgqlochekone.blogspot.com
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Fernando Cabral
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