[Gambas-user] Gambas Playground

Karl Reinl karl.reinl at ...9...
Sun Jul 16 11:11:40 CEST 2017

Am Sonntag, den 16.07.2017, 01:37 +0200 schrieb Adrien Prokopowicz:
> Hello Everyone !
> These past few days I had fun putting together an online playground for  
> Gambas !
> You can find it here : https://gambas-playground.proko.eu/ :)
> The playground is a little place to write and run Gambas code snippets,  
> which I
> think could be very useful in the mailing-list where codes flies around
> everywhere. :)
> You can also directly share a link of your code in the playground using the
> "Share" button, which will generate a link like this :
> https://gambas-playground.proko.eu/?gist=07db52169ef8b747d26f8bee4a4a19e9
> The code is actually stored in a GitHub Gist, rather than in the playground
> itself, which makes it completely stateless.
> Of course, since this is a web service (i.e. not your computer ! :) ),  
> there are
> a few limitations :
> - Your code cannot run for more than 2 seconds, or it will get SIGKILL'd
> - It cannot use more than 16 megabytes of RAM (it segfaults if you use too  
> much)
> - You cannot make any network access whatsoever (there are no network  
> cards,
>    and the process does not have permission to open sockets).
> - You *can* read, write or delete any file, but all changes to the  
> filesystem
>    are discarded when the process ends.
> - There are probably a few edge cases I didn't think of, so please don't  
> abuse
>    it. :)
> However, a few components are available, just add the USE instruction to  
> load
> it, just like you would in a Gambas script. Here is an example :
> https://gambas-playground.proko.eu/?gist=8a49aae5f5e24569c3f7f7e55c619f05
> The following components are available in the playground :
>    gb.args, gb.clipper, gb.complex, gb.compress, gb.data, gb.debug, gb.draw,
>    gb.eval, gb.eval.highlight, gb.geom, gb.image.effect, gb.image,  
> gb.inotify,
>    gb.markdown, gb.option, gb.settings, gb.signal, gb.term, gb.util,  
> gb.util.web,
>    gb.vb, gb.xml, gb.xml.html
> (Basically, any component that doesn't depend on networking or GUI, tell  
> me if
> any is missing :) )
> Behind the scenes, it is a simple Gambas application serving a REST API,
> which takes the code as input. It then spins up a Docker container, which  
> has
> a simple "runner" Gambas application as its init process, which takes the  
> code,
> feeds it to the Gambas Scripter (gbs3) and then returns its output.
> The app is still a bit rough on the edges (for instance, I should make a  
> proper
> Gambas highlighter for the editor, instead of using the VBScript one :p),
> but I think it is good enough to see some use.
> Tell me if you have some ideas to improve it, and have fun with it ! :)

Salut Adrien,

now we can discuss 'Best ways to format float values' like this 

look here you can test Nando's way



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