[Gambas-user] Is it possible to read a file directly into an array?

Fernando Cabral fernandojosecabral at ...626...
Tue Jul 4 17:06:34 CEST 2017

Is there a straightforward way to read a file directly into an array?
Say I have a file with several lines (lines ended with "\n").
I want to read each line and push its content as an item of an array.

Lets say the file contents are "a\nb\nc\n" and what I need is:

word[0] = "a"
word[1] = "b"
word[2] = "c"

Yes, I know I can LINE INPUT each line and copy it into the array.
But I have seen that Gambas has so many shortcuts that perhaps there is one
for this operation too.

Any hints?


- fernando

Fernando Cabral
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