[Gambas-user] Any (easy) way to render RTF or HTML with gambas?

PICCORO McKAY Lenz mckaygerhard at ...626...
Sun Jul 2 19:11:39 CEST 2017

2017-07-02 12:12 GMT-04:30 Fernando Cabral <fernandojosecabral at ...626...>:

> As to this, I think you still did not understand what I needed, which is
> to render a HTML or RTF file. This has nothing to do with HTTPD or HTTP.
> The RTF and HTLM file are local file. I open them and them I wanted do
> display them. No protocols involved.
jajaj Fernando.. the method i described its the same you do.. but you using
pdf instead html

just invoked a "own" localhost running inside project, same behaviour are
used by the gambas IDE when you run a WEB project..

>> i prefer the firs due all the hard work to interprete the html markup are
>> "let to expert".. and not hadle by own.. due will be a extra work..
> Yep. That's why  I was searching for some built in method to do it.
*     Try $hPdf.Open("pdfFIle.pdf")*
> *     DocumentView1.Count = $hPdf.Count     DocumentView1.Refresh*
same as for html..  but changing the open call by a httpd run process in
private port and send a exec to browser to open the local running httpd
"own" webserver

the gambas ide do the same for web projects.. rund their own embebed http
web server and start a browser..

instead use a embebed http webserver you can use the gb.httpd component
that does/usage are the same..

> This solves this issue for good, althou I still want to know how to do the
> same thing with a HTML file.
as i described.. if you want a example run a new web gambas project, and in
a console see the process with ps and its basically that i described...

>>> To make it more concrete. Imagine there is a help file in html. When the
>>> user clicks on the proper button, I'll read it
>>> and display it so the user can see the document. I want a method to
>>> display it rendered as it would be rendered in a browser.
>>> The editor might be able to do it. But then, I can't find instructions
>>> on how to create it, load and display de text.
>>> I have also found two lines of code that hint on the way to do it, but I
>>> can not learn enough from them. Says the guy:
>>> Then in Gambas2 I have a form with Textedit1  and I add:
>>> textedit1.text=file.load("filename.html")  in my form_open sub
>>> I would guess textedit1.text is in a form that, when displayed, will
>>> render the file correctly.
>>> But then again, I can't find the rest of the code.
>>> Thank you.
>>> - fernando
>>> 2017-07-02 10:07 GMT-03:00 PICCORO McKAY Lenz <mckaygerhard at ...626...>:
>>>> hi fernando,, u must read as stream.. see it:
>>>> here a example minimal: http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/lang/lineinput
>>>> but i think that what do you want its "understand" the file format!
>>>> right?
>>>> due i guess rtf files have some "rich"text inside.. something in some
>>>> binary/specific non ascii/plain text ...
>>>> Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)
>>>> http://qgqlochekone.blogspot.com
>>>> 2017-07-02 7:31 GMT-04:30 Fernando Cabral <fernandojosecabral at ...626...
>>>> >:
>>>>> I've browsed the documentation but did not find what I am looking for:
>>>>> a
>>>>> way do read a html (or rtf) file and display it using some built in
>>>>> method.
>>>>> Say, something simple like this:
>>>>> *Public Sub Main()  Dim TextFile As File  Dim RtfText As String
>>>>> TextFile =
>>>>> Open "~/Doc.rtf" For Read  Line Input #TextFile, RtfText
>>>>> FMain.LoadText(RtfFile)  *' Here is the rub!
>>>>> *  FMain.ShowmodalEnd*
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> - fernando
>>>>> --
>>>>> Fernando Cabral
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>>> Fernando Cabral
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> --
> Fernando Cabral
> Blogue: http://fernandocabral.org
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/fjcabral
> e-mail: fernandojosecabral at ...626...
> Facebook: f at ...3654...
> Telegram: +55 (37) 99988-8868
> Wickr ID: fernandocabral
> WhatsApp: +55 (37) 99988-8868
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> Telefone fixo: +55 (37) 3521-2183
> Telefone celular: +55 (37) 99988-8868
> Enquanto houver no mundo uma só pessoa sem casa ou sem alimentos,
> nenhum político ou cientista poderá se gabar de nada.

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