[Gambas-user] class

Shane buster6seven at ...626...
Fri Feb 17 04:28:24 CET 2017

I think this is my problem

      3.4. Inheritance and constructor

Contrary to all the object language I know, each class in the 
inheritance hierarchy consumes the parameters passed to the constructor.

Let's suppose we have the following inheritance tree:

|MyListBox ---inherits--> ListBox ---inherits---> Control |


    Control <http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/comp/gb.gtk/control>._new() does
    not exist.


    ListBox <http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/comp/gb.qt4/listbox>._new()
    takes one parameter: the parent control.


    MyListBox._new() takes one parameter: a name - It is just an example.

So |NEW <http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/lang/new> MyListBox| will take two 


    The first will be sent to ListBox


    The second to MyListBox._new().

Be careful: the ListBox 
<http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/comp/gb.qt4/listbox>._new() will be called 
first, so that you are sure that the ListBox 
<http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/comp/gb.qt4/listbox> control exists when you 
are in MyListBox._new().

Then you will create a MyListBox control this way:

hMyListBox *=* *New* *MyListBox**(*hContainer*,* "Name"*)*

So the order of arguments is the following:


    Mandatory arguments are consumed first, and then optional arguments
    if they are available.


    The arguments of elder classes are specified first.

In Gambas 2.0, the order or arguments were reversed!

For example, if you have the following inheritance:

|MyForm --> Form --> Window |

with the MyForm constructor being:

|Sub _new(FirstArg As String, SecondArg as Integer, Optional ThirdArg As 
Integer) |

Note: the Form <http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/comp/gb.qt4/form> constructor 
takes no argument, and the Window 
<http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/comp/gb.qt4/window> constructor takes an 
optional parent argument.

The signature of the final constructor will be:

|New MyForm(FirstArg As String, SecondArg As Integer, Optional Parent As 
Control, Optional ThirdArg As Integer) |

In a more general way, the order of arguments for a three level 
inheritance tree is:


    Mandatory arguments of the grand-parent constructor.


    Mandatory arguments of the parent constructor.


    Mandatory arguments of the final constructor.


    Optional arguments of the grand-parent constructor.


    Optional arguments of the parent constructor.


    Optional arguments of the final constructor.

On 17/02/17 13:55, Benoît Minisini wrote:
> Le 17/02/2017 à 03:08, Shane a écrit :
>> Looks Like Pic1
>> and then pic2
> Which version of Gambas do you use?

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