[Gambas-user] What is wrong with my query syntax?

Johny Provoost johny.provoost at skynet.be
Fri Dec 29 11:18:59 CET 2017

I always use

$Query = “SELECT * FROM Friends WHERE Name = ” & "\"" & TBXName.Text & "\""

and use formname.TBXNamer.Text but don't know if that's the problem

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Kind Regards,


Op 29-12-17 om 04:43 schreef Doug Hutcheson:
> Hi. I'm a new user and I have misunderstood something.
> I am trying to establish a connection to a PostgreSQL database.
>  At http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/howto/database?ht=database-manager, 
> point 6, I read the following example of a query:
>                 Dim $Query As String
>                $Query = “SELECT * FROM Friends WHERE Name = '” & 
> TBXName.Text & “'”
> However, no matter how I try, I always get a syntax error on the 
> assignment line. Obviously I am missing something - can you help?
> Kind regards,
> Doug
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