[Gambas-user] Need help getting Gambas to run on an ARM module

Bruce Cunningham bcunningham at sportif.com
Sat Dec 2 02:43:09 CET 2017


I got it installed.  I did a clean load of the OS image, and built Gambas 3.9.2 from source.  So, I don't know if something got updated in the tool chain since I tried it last time (about two weeks ago)?

One quick question.  How do I make a backup copy of Gambas so I don't have to compile it again if I need to re-load the OS image in the future?  It took most of the day to compile on this module!

Thanks for everyone's help!!!


Bruce Cunningham
bcunningham at sportif.com

-----Original Message-----
From: User [mailto:user-bounces at lists.gambas-basic.org] On Behalf Of Benoît Minisini
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2017 5:37 AM
To: Gambas Mailing List; PICCORO McKAY Lenz
Subject: Re: [Gambas-user] Need help getting Gambas to run on an ARM module

Le 01/12/2017 à 14:11, PICCORO McKAY Lenz a écrit :
> 2017-11-30 20:57 GMT-04:00 Bruce Cunningham <bcunningham at sportif.com
> <mailto:bcunningham at sportif.com>>:
>     It’s like the Gambas binaries are broken?  I don’t know who
>     maintains the Gambas builds for the armhf architecture. 
> for sure, as i search and noted yesterday, seems gambas binary does 
> not have been well tested in arm.. i mean the packages..
> also noted try to compile by yourselft, i read in your previous mails:
> So, I installed all of the dependencies, and checked out version 3.9 
> from the SVN repository.  It seemed to compile without too many issues 
> (just some warnings that didn’t seem like much).  When I launch that 
> version I get “illegal instruction”.
> compiles well but got a ilegal instruction, i think its a clear bug 
> inside gambas comilation, in some place the arch are not correctly 
> passed to the compiler.
> in that case, please fill a gambas bug in gambas bugtracker, and later 
> then answer this mail here with detailed compilation environment and 
> complete log attached to see what happened ! (also attach the same 
> output in the bug report)
> there's any other here that have some degree experience in arm 
> building gambas?
I did that a long time ago to fix some bugs, but on emulation, so it was slow as hell. No difference with compiling on x86.

Do you get the "illegal instruction" trap or the "illegal instruction" 
Gambas interpreter error message?

Benoît Minisini


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