[Gambas-user] Class Implementing DBus Notifications

Tony Morehen tmorehen at ...3602...
Sun Aug 20 13:18:44 CEST 2017

As promised, attached is a heavily commented class implementing DBus 
Notifications.  It is a complete implementation of the specification.  
There are two approaches to using the class:

1) fill in the properties and call SendNotification:

         Dim hDbusNotify As New DbusNotify
         hDbusNotify.Summary = "Device added:"
         hDbusNotify.Body = "/dev" &/ device
         hDbusNotify.FullPathToIcon = icon
         hDbusNotify.Actions = [""]
         notifyID = dbusNotify.SendNotification()
         mount = UDisks2.Mount(device)
         hDbusNotify.Summary = "Device mounted:"
         hDbusNotify.Body = "/dev" &/ device & " to " & mount
         hDbusNotify.Actions = ["browse=" & mount, "Browse"]
         hints.Add(2, "urgency")
         hDbusNotify.Hints = hints
         hDbusNotify.Duration = 5000
         notifyID = dbusNotify.SendNotification(notifyID)

2) Use the Notify function directly:

         Dim hDbusNotify As New DbusNotify
         Dim hints As New Collection
         hints.Add("device.removed", "category")
         hDbusNotify.Notify("Device removed:", "/dev" &/ device, icon, 
[""], 0, hints, 5000)

DbusNotify raises 2 events:

Public Sub dbusNotify_ActionInvoked(iNotifyID As Integer, sActionKey As 

   If Left(LCase(sActionKey), 7) = "browse=" Then
     'want to ensure a trailing "/"
     sActionKey = "file://" & Trim(Mid(sActionKey, 8) &/ " ")
     Shell "xdg-open " & sActionKey


Public Sub dbusNotify_NotificationClosed(iNotifyID As Integer, iReason 
As Integer)
     'Usually ignored

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