[Gambas-user] sliderbox bug: Still respond to mouse wheel when its disabled

Fernando Cabral fernandojosecabral at ...626...
Sat Apr 29 03:32:30 CEST 2017

Hi, gambas is new to me, but regex is not so new. But I am baffled with the
following result:

str = "A#BB##CCC###"
print RegExp.Replace(str, "[#]+", ";")
str = "A#BB##CCC###"
print RegExp.Replace(str, "[#][#]*", ";")
str = "A#BB##CCC###"
print RegExp.Replace(str, "##**", ";")

In my opinion, in every example above the result should be:
Nevertheless, gambas always displays A;BB;CCC;;;.

Am I missing something,, or does gambas has a bug in this point?

Fernando Cabral
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