[Gambas-user] Christmas gift

PICCORO McKAY Lenz mckaygerhard at ...626...
Mon Sep 12 17:34:31 CEST 2016

2016-09-12 8:27 GMT-04:00 Benoît Minisini <gambas at ...1...>:

> Why don't you just create a text file in the "Project" folder and use it
> as writing pad?
well benout have right!

2016-09-10 3:33 GMT-04:00 Christof Thalhofer <chrisml at ...3340...>:

> Please correct me if I'm wrong: REST came later and as I can see, the
> upcoming of REST ist somewhat an answer to the extreme complexity of SOAP.
yes! i mean in the REST context of course.

> For a REST webservice you need a good tutorial, but not really a
> framework. The only thing that is needed for REST is a router that maps
> url paths to functions and sends back the result via HTTP. The result
> can be anything, a file, an integer, a Json string, whatever.
so then benoit now Christof ilustrate it!

> A router does a mapping like this:
> <snip>
> > Method     URL                     Action
> > GET        /api/todos              Retrieve all todos
> > GET        /api/todos/search/bug   Search for todos with ‘bug’ in their
> name
> > GET        /api/todo/1             Retrieve todo with id == 1
> > POST       /api/todo               Add a new todo
> > PUT        /api/todo/1             Update todo with id == 1
> > DELETE     /api/todo/1             Delete todo with id == 1
> <snap>

> My understanding: If you do REST it would be somewhat easy, if you do
> SOAP it would be horrible.
So then lets discard the SOAP compability!

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