[Gambas-user] Feature request for gambas load screen

Benoît Minisini gambas at ...1...
Thu Feb 25 22:54:13 CET 2016

Le 25/02/2016 22:42, Charlie Reinl a écrit :
> Am Freitag, den 26.02.2016, 07:55 +1100 schrieb richard terry:
>> Hi benoit,
>> If there is another way to do this please let me know.
>> When I load gambas the boot screen has lots of 'old' projects on it. As
>> I continue to develop my software I sometimes run in parallel different
>> versions, they will com up looking the same except different database
>> version and svn version numbers, it all get very confusing, especially
>> if having to scroll down through other recently loaded gambas projects
>> eg downloaded from the software farm.
>> Is there any way one can currently delete the unwanted ones, or could
>> you on the right mouse popup menu put a Delete Project from list option.
>> Regards
>> richard
> Salut Richard,
> cleaning up the project list, that was realised at Revision: 7589 but
> now on Revision: 7610 I see it got lost!

In '/trunk' IDE, you have a little delete icon visible when you hover 
the project box: click on it to remove the project from the recent list.


Benoît Minisini
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