[Gambas-user] String conversion for printing

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Thu Feb 18 18:18:51 CET 2016

On 18/02/16 13:59, Roel Touwen wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have an application that prints. The problem is that when I want to
> print é it appears as é.
> So I think I need a string conversion like Conv$ but wherever I look,
> there are no working samples.
> My charset of system and database are UTF8....
> Who?
> Grtz
> Roel Touwen
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I possibly encountered similar issue(s).
I was working with text in a SQLite db that contained things like the 
degrees symbol and superscript characters. Populating Gambas textBoxes 
and textAreas from the db and updating the db with these characters was 
no issue. But when went to save the same content to a text file I was 
get those characters being prefixed with a "Â", e.g. "³" instead of 
just "³".

I ended up using the following, which worked for me for my issue.

   Try sTextArea = Conv$(taDescription.Text, "UTF-8", "WINDOWS-1253")
   If Error Then

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