[Gambas-user] File mode syntax

Rolf-Werner Eilert eilert-sprachen at ...221...
Thu Feb 4 13:07:18 CET 2016

Hi folks, I stumbled over this one:

The help page about File Mode Syntax (for Chmod and Chgrp) says that 
file mode has to be a string with 9 characters. The table lists them.

I can leave out or taint random positions by unknown characters... but 
it does not say which of the given characters are interpreted if I leave 
out some of them.

If I write "rwx", is this 1,2,3 (user)? And "rwx...r--" or "rwx###r--" 
would mean "rwx for user, no change in group, and read-only for others?

And I cannot simply set "660", right?

Thanks for your insight...


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