[Gambas-user] Circular references and allocations non freed

martin p cristia tercoide at ...67...
Sat Sep 12 16:23:47 CEST 2015

I hope so: It's like when I ask my wife to prepare breakfast and she 
tells me she'll do that after I set the bed, and I allways set the bed 
after breakfast.

Still don't know why that comes out.

Public Struct unidadesSTRUCT
     '  TODO
     long_nombre As String ' metr , cmtr, inch, feet
     peso_nombre As String ' kilo, tons, poun, kntw 'no guardo mas un 
"indice" , solo guardo los nombres en 4 carcteres
     ang_nombre As String  ' grad , rads
     factorEG As Float          '8
     factorSUP As Float         '8
     factorDEN As Float         '8
     factorLONG As Float        '8
     factorANG As Float         '8  agregue 40 bytes--> total 64 bytes
End Struct

Public Struct datosSTRUCT
     magic As String
     proyecto As String
     descripcion As String
     totalnudos As Integer
     totalbarras As Integer
     totalcargasnudo As Integer
     totalcargasplacas As Integer
     totalplacas As Integer
     TotalGrupos As Integer
     totalapoyos As Integer
     totalsecciones As Integer
     totalSectores As Integer
     tipo As Integer
     totalcargasbarra As Integer
     unidades As Struct UnidadesSTRUCT
End Struct

Public Struct flagsSTRUCT
     LogFile As File   ' 0 = cerrado
     LogFileName As String
     Perfil As Integer
     Pausa As Boolean
     PerfilTipo As String
     LogOn As Boolean
     palabra_clave As String
     lenguaje As String
     parar_calculos As Integer
     carga As Integer
     barra As Integer
     nudo As Integer
     material As Integer
     dibujar As Boolean
     Calculando As Boolean
     CalculandoEnvolventes As Boolean
     CalculandoSismos As Boolean
     CalculadoSismos As Boolean
     checked As Boolean ' la uso para no chequearla muchas veces
     ayuda_ok As Boolean
     redibujar As Boolean
     calculo_tipo As Integer
     seccion As Integer
     dibujado As Boolean
     dibujable As Boolean
     calculado As Boolean
     CalculadoEnvolventes As Boolean
     resultado As Integer
     modo As Integer
     cambios As Boolean
     dibujando As Integer
     ayuda As String
     ayuda_mostrar As Boolean
     Estado As Integer
     ' control del texto en la linea de entrada
     Entrada As String
     EntradaLista As Boolean
     EntradaCancel As Boolean
     asistente_copletado As Integer
     asistente_actual As Integer
     MostrarDespuesCalculo As Integer
     OcultarCargas As Boolean

End Struct

Public flags As Struct FlagsSTRUCT
Public datos As Struct DatosSTRUCT

that is  the code, they are not cross referenced or circular

El 11/09/15 a las 17:41, gambas-user-request at lists.sourceforge.net escribió:
>> >Public flags As Struct FlagsSTRUCT
>> >
>> >any ideas?
>> >
> Do you know what a circular reference is?
> --


Ing. Martin P Cristia

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