[Gambas-user] [Gambas Bug Tracker] Bug #708: Commented code is being run

bugtracker at ...3416... bugtracker at ...3416...
Sat Sep 5 19:02:44 CEST 2015

Comment #7 by Moviga TECHNOLOGIES:

Well, one of the latest I've been working on is this:

Public Sub FormatPost(Post As String) As String

  Dim sNewPost As String

  Dim sSplitPost As String[]

  Dim iLastPos As Integer = 1

  Dim iStart As Integer

  Dim iEnd As Integer

  If InStr(Post, "[code=gambas]", iLastPos) > 0 Then

    While InStr(Post, "[code=gambas]", iLastPos) > 0

      sSplitPost = New String[]

      iStart = InStr(Post, "[code=gambas]", iLastPos)

      sSplitPost.Add(Html(Mid(Post, IIf(iEnd > 0, iEnd + 7, 1), iStart - IIf(iEnd > 0, iEnd + 7, 1))))

      iEnd = InStr(Post, "[/code]", iLastPos)

      iLastPos = iEnd + 6

      sSplitPost.Add("<code>" & GambasCode.Higlight(Trim(Mid(Post, iStart + 13, iEnd - iStart - 13))) & "</code>")

      sNewPost &= sSplitPost.Join("")



    sNewPost &= Html(Right(Post, Len(Post) - iEnd - 6))


    sNewPost = Post

    sNewPost = Html(sNewPost)


  sNewPost = Markdown.ToHTML(sNewPost)

  Return sNewPost


Commenting out the sSpilPost.Add( ... lines has failed many times

The most resent was just simply


I removed the ', but it was not run until I moved it to a different line...

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