[Gambas-user] New soft at the farm
Fabien Bodard
gambas.fr at ...626...
Wed Nov 25 09:43:05 CET 2015
This is how to use the Timer.Trigger to reduce the calls to the _Draw event.
Each time mouse seem to move it call the _MouseMove event so it can be
undreds time a second. Then this event call the .refresh method that
raiseth _draw event.
You have many call more in your code for the .refresh method.
So what i've done. I've put two timer one for the mouse event call and
one for the drawing. I think maybe only the one for the mouse event
will be sufficient.
so the mouse event call the timer.trigger thouthen time but the timer
event is raised only once by event loop. and you have not a queue that
appear with the slow down of your program. Because each call to
.refresh will be done event if the content of the _Draw take 0.1 sec
so now it is smooth on my machine and you can remove the fast lines.
' Gambas class file
Public $hDrawTimer As New Timer As "DrawTimer"
Public $hMoveTimer As New Timer As "MoveTimer"
Private MouseX As Integer
Private MouseY As Integer
Public cubes As New ClassCube[]
Public Struct Punto3D
x As Float
y As Float
z As Float
End Struct
'globles del mouse
Public paneando As Boolean
Public rotando As Boolean
Public mouDownX As Float
Public mouDownY As Float
Public mouUpX As Float
Public mouUpY As Float
Public mouX As Float
Public mouY As Float
Public cgX As Float 'coordenadas del CG en 2D
Public cgY As Float
Public lastPos As Integer
Public mouOut As Boolean ' fuera del area de graficos
Public mouDown As Boolean ' fuera del area de graficos
Public mouUp As Boolean ' fuera del area de graficos
Public Here As Boolean
Public mouWheel As Boolean
Public mouDelta As Integer
Public debugTime As Boolean = True
Public fps As Integer
Public FaceCubeList[6] As Integer[] 'cubes in face, from 9 to 9
Public FaceRotation[6] As Float[] ' xyz triplets
Public FaceCenter[6] As Float
Public CurrentFace As Integer
Public RotationFilter As Integer[]
Public RotationAcumulator As Float
Public CenterCube As Integer
Public State As Integer
Public Const stMixing As Integer = 1
Public Const stStopping As Integer = 2
Public Const stQuiting As Integer = 3
Public Sub Form_Open()
$hDrawTimer.Delay = 50
rotando = True
modMotor3D.escala = 0.5
Public Sub Form_Close()
If State = stStopping Or state = stMixing Then
state = stQuiting
Stop Event
End If
Public Sub form_Activate()
Public Sub form_Resize()
Private Sub generate()
Dim cube1 As New ClassCube
Dim colores1 As New Integer[]
Dim p As Punto3D, a As Integer, b As Integer
' size of one cube is 1
'front facing, this is the front/left/low cube
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [Color.Yellow, 0, Color.Green, 0, 0, &H00FF00FF]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [Color.Yellow, 0, 0, 0, 0, &H00FF00FF]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [Color.Yellow, 0, 0, Color.red, 0, &H00FF00FF]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [Color.Yellow, 0, Color.Green, 0, 0, 0]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [Color.Yellow, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = 1 * cube1.Scale
FaceCenter[0] = cubes.Max ' this cube is in the center
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [Color.Yellow, 0, 0, Color.red, 0, 0]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = 1 * cube1.Scale
' High front row
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [Color.Yellow, 0, Color.Green, 0, Color.blue, 0]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [Color.Yellow, 0, 0, 0, Color.Blue, 0]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [Color.Yellow, 0, 0, Color.red, Color.Blue, 0]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = 1 * cube1.Scale
'front facing, this is the front/left/low cube
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [0, Color.white, Color.Green, 0, 0, &H00FF00FF]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [0, Color.white, 0, 0, 0, &H00FF00FF]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [0, color.white, 0, Color.red, 0, &H00FF00FF]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [0, color.white, Color.Green, 0, 0, 0]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [0, color.white, 0, 0, 0, 0]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = -1 * cube1.Scale
FaceCenter[1] = cubes.Max ' this cube is in the center
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [0, color.white, 0, Color.red, 0, 0]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = -1 * cube1.Scale
' High front row
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [0, Color.white, Color.Green, 0, Color.blue, 0]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [0, Color.white, 0, 0, Color.Blue, 0]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [0, Color.white, 0, Color.red, Color.Blue, 0]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = -1 * cube1.Scale
FaceCubeList[0] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] ' front
FaceCubeList[1] = [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] 'back
FaceCubeList[2] = [0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24] 'left
FaceCubeList[3] = [2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26] 'rigth
FaceCubeList[4] = [6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17, 24, 25, 26] 'top
FaceCubeList[5] = [0, 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20] 'bottomh
For a = 0 To 5
FaceRotation[a] = [0, 0, 0]
'front facing, this is the mid/left/low cube
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [0, 0, Color.Green, 0, 0, &H00FF00FF]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &H00FF00FF]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = 0 * cube1.Scale
FaceCenter[2] = cubes.Max ' this cube is in the center
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [0, 0, 0, Color.red, 0, &H00FF00FF] '&H00FF00FF]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = 0 * cube1.Scale
' mid, mid, left
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [0, 0, Color.Green, 0, 0, 0]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = 0 * cube1.Scale
FaceCenter[3] = cubes.Max ' this cube is in the center
' this cube is in the core, not shown
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = 0 * cube1.Scale
CenterCube = cubes.Max
' mid, mid, rigth
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [0, 0, 0, Color.red, 0, 0]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = 0 * cube1.Scale
FaceCenter[4] = cubes.Max ' this cube is in the center
' High mid row
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [0, 0, Color.Green, 0, Color.blue, 0]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = -1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [0, 0, 0, 0, Color.Blue, 0]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = 0 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = 0 * cube1.Scale
FaceCenter[5] = cubes.Max ' this cube is in the center
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
colores1 = [0, 0, 0, Color.red, Color.Blue, 0]
cube1.colores = colores1
cube1.scale = 200
cube1.xcg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.ycg = 1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = 0 * cube1.Scale
b = cubes.Max
For a = 0 To b
cubes[a].RoundEdge = True
cube1 = New ClassCube
cube1.colores = [Color.HSV(0, 0, 45), Color.HSV(0, 0, 45),
Color.HSV(0, 0, 45), Color.HSV(0, 0, 45), Color.HSV(0, 0, 45),
Color.HSV(0, 0, 45)]
cube1.xCG = cubes[a].xCG
cube1.yCG = cubes[a].yCG
cube1.zCG = cubes[a].zCG
cube1.Scale = cubes[a].Scale * 0.95
cube1.RoundEdge = True
Public Sub GenerateBigOne()
Dim cube1 As ClassCube
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
' test collapsing
cube1 = Null
cube1 = New ClassCube
' colores1 = [Color.Green, Color.Yellow, Color.Violet, Color.Blue,
Color.white, &H00FF00FF]
cube1.colores = [Color.Green, Color.Yellow, Color.Violet,
Color.Blue, Color.white, &H00FF00FF]
cube1.Scale = 150
cube1.xcg = 0
cube1.ycg = 0 '2 * cube1.Scale
cube1.zcg = 0 '-1 * cube1.Scale
cube1.RoundEdge = True
cube1.FaceAngle = [0, 0, 0]
Public Sub graph_Drawer()
Dim nCube As Integer, p As New Punto3D
Dim x As Float, y As Float, nn As Integer
Paint3D.scale = 1
Paint.AntiAlias = False
'Debug " Drawer"
For nCube = 0 To cubes.Max
Public Sub graph_MouseWheel()
mouDelta += Mouse.Delta
mouWheel = True
With modMotor3D
.escala += .escala * mouDelta * 0.1
'ademas intento un zoom dinamico, si el mouse esta lejos del
centro, atrae los graficos hacia el
.pan.x -= (graph.w / 2 - Mouse.X) * 0.1
.pan.y += (graph.h / 2 - Mouse.y) * 0.1
'Debug .pan.x, .pan.y, .escala
End With
mouWheel = False
mouDelta = 0
Public Sub graph_MouseDown()
Dim nFace As Integer
If state = stMixing Then Return
mouDownX = Mouse.X
mouDownY = Mouse.y
mouDown = True
RotationAcumulator = 0
If Mouse.Right Then
CurrentFace = -1
End If
Public Sub graph_MouseMove()
MouseX = Mouse.X
MouseY = Mouse.y
Public Sub MoveTimer_Timer()
Dim dx As Float, dy As Float, p As New Punto3d, pr As New Punto3d
Dim EjeX As Float, ejeY As Float, ejeZ As Float, nCube As Integer,
nn As Integer, f As Integer
Dim gorgui As Integer
If here Then Debug "Here"
here = True
If mouDown Then
If paneando Then
With modMotor3D
.pan.x -= (mouDownX - MouseX) * 0.25
.pan.y = (mouDownY - MouseY) * 0.25
End With
Else If rotando Then
'veo para donde mueve el mouse con respenco a la posicion 2D del CG
dX = (mouDownX - MouseX) * 0.005 '* mouDownXCG
dY = - (mouDownY - MouseY) * 0.005 '* mouDownYCG
' con esto la rotacion se hace de un eje a la vez
If Abs(dy) > Abs(dx) Then dx = 0 Else dy = 0
' debo interpretar que eje pretende mover
' el eje que mas apunta al user, es el que no rota, si el
mouse se mueve horizontal, rota sobre
' el eje vertica, y si se mueve vertical, rota sobre el
eje mas horizontal
p.x = 1
p.y = 0
p.z = 0
modMotor3D.rotar3d(p, pr)
EjeX = pr.x
p.x = 0
p.y = 1
p.z = 0
modMotor3D.rotar3d(p, pr)
ejey = pr.x
p.x = 0
p.y = 0
p.z = 1
modMotor3D.rotar3d(p, pr)
ejeZ = pr.x
'Debug ejex, ejey, ejez
If Abs(ejex) > Abs(ejey) And Abs(ejex) > Abs(ejez) Then
modMotor3D.vector3d.x = dy * Sgn(ejex)
If Abs(ejey) > Abs(ejez) And Abs(ejey) > Abs(ejex) Then
modMotor3D.vector3d.y = dy * Sgn(ejey)
If Abs(ejez) > Abs(ejey) And Abs(ejez) > Abs(ejex) Then
modMotor3D.vector3d.z = dy * Sgn(ejez)
p.x = 1
p.y = 0
p.z = 0
modMotor3D.rotar3d(p, pr)
EjeX = pr.y
p.x = 0
p.y = 1
p.z = 0
modMotor3D.rotar3d(p, pr)
ejey = pr.y
p.x = 0
p.y = 0
p.z = 1
modMotor3D.rotar3d(p, pr)
ejeZ = pr.y
'Debug ejex, ejey, ejez
If Abs(ejex) > Abs(ejey) And Abs(ejex) > Abs(ejez) Then
modMotor3D.vector3d.x = dx * Sgn(ejex)
If Abs(ejey) > Abs(ejez) And Abs(ejey) > Abs(ejex) Then
modMotor3D.vector3d.y = dx * Sgn(ejey)
If Abs(ejez) > Abs(ejey) And Abs(ejez) > Abs(ejex) Then
modMotor3D.vector3d.z = dx * Sgn(ejez)
If CurrentFace >= 0 Then
modMotor3D.fVector3D[0] += (dx + dy) * RotationFilter[0] * 2
modMotor3D.fVector3D[1] += (dx + dy) * RotationFilter[1] * 2
modMotor3D.fVector3D[2] += (dx + dy) * RotationFilter[2] * 2
' ademas roto los CG
FaceRotation[CurrentFace] = modMotor3D.fVector3D
RotationAcumulator += FaceRotation[CurrentFace][0] +
FaceRotation[CurrentFace][1] + FaceRotation[CurrentFace][2]
'Debug RotationAcumulator, FaceRotation[CurrentFace][0],
FaceRotation[CurrentFace][1], FaceRotation[CurrentFace][2]
For ncube = 0 To FaceCubeList[CurrentFace].max
nn = FaceCubeList[CurrentFace][ncube]
modMotor3D.Rotar3Df(cubes[nn].xCG, cubes[nn].yCG,
cubes[nn].zCG, ByRef cubes[nn].xCG, ByRef cubes[nn].yCG, ByRef
modMotor3D.RotacionLocalv(cubes[nn].Points, cubes[nn].Points)
' For f = 0 To cubes[nn].points.Max
' cubes[nn].Points[f] = cubes[nn].RotPoints[f]
' Next
modMotor3D.RotacionLocalv(cubes[nn].Normals, cubes[nn].Normals)
End If
End If
' graph_Draw
mouDownX = MouseX
mouDownY = MouseY
End If
here = False
Public Sub graph_MouseUp()
Dim TotRot As Float, quarters As Integer, rest As Float, dist As
Float, MaxDist As Float
Dim nn As Integer, nCube As Integer, turns As Integer, Turn90 As
Integer, n$ As String, f As Integer
Dim diagonal As Float
Dim Xc As Float, Yc As Float, Zc As Float
If here Then Debug "Here"
mouDown = False
If CurrentFace = -1 Then
' we've been rotating everithinng
Else 'complete the turnn
' in case of many turns we simplify
turns = RotationAcumulator / (2 * Pi)
RotationAcumulator -= turns * 2 * Pi ' we dont need anything over 2 * pi
quarters = Fix(RotationAcumulator / (Pi / 4))
If quarters = 1 Then quarters = 2 '
If quarters = 3 Then quarters = 4
If quarters = 5 Then quarters = 6 '
If quarters = 7 Then quarters = 8
If quarters = -1 Then quarters = -2 '
If quarters = -3 Then quarters = -4
If quarters = -5 Then quarters = -6 '
If quarters = -7 Then quarters = -8
rest = rotationAcumulator - quarters * (Pi / 4)
FaceRotation[CurrentFace][0] = - rest * RotationFilter[0]
FaceRotation[CurrentFace][1] = - rest * RotationFilter[1]
FaceRotation[CurrentFace][2] = - rest * RotationFilter[2]
modMotor3D.fVector3D = FaceRotation[CurrentFace]
For ncube = 0 To FaceCubeList[CurrentFace].Max
nn = FaceCubeList[CurrentFace][ncube]
modMotor3D.Rotar3Df(cubes[nn].xCG, cubes[nn].yCG,
cubes[nn].zCG, ByRef cubes[nn].xCG, ByRef cubes[nn].yCG, ByRef
modMotor3D.RotacionLocalv(cubes[nn].Points, cubes[nn].Points)
' For f = 0 To cubes[nn].points.Max
' cubes[nn].Points[f] = cubes[nn].RotPoints[f]
' Next
modMotor3D.RotacionLocalv(cubes[nn].Normals, cubes[nn].Normals)
RotationAcumulator = 0
' graph_Drawer
$hDrawTimer.Trigger ' does no work this way
Public Sub graph_Draw()
fps += 1
Public Sub GetFace()
Dim p As New Punto3d, pr As New Punto3d
Dim EjeX As Float, ejeY As Float, ejeZ As Float, face As Integer
Dim maxZ As Float
For face = 0 To 5
ejez = modMotor3D.xyzZ3D(cubes[FaceCenter[face]].cg)
If ejez > maxZ Then maxZ = ejez
For face = 0 To 5
ejez = modMotor3D.xyzZ3D(cubes[FaceCenter[face]].cg)
If ejez = maxZ Then Break
CurrentFace = face
RotationFilter = [Abs(Sgn(Int(cubes[FaceCenter[CurrentFace]].xCG))),
Private Sub BuildFaceList()
Dim TotRot As Float, quarters As Integer, rest As Float, dist As
Float, MaxDist As Float
Dim nn As Integer, nCube As Integer, turns As Integer, Turn90 As
Integer, n$ As String
For nn = 0 To 5 ' total faces
TotRot = 0
For ncube = 0 To cubes.Max
If Round(cubes[FaceCenter[nn]].xCG) <> 0 Then
If Round(cubes[ncube].xCG) = Round(cubes[FaceCenter[nn]].xCG) Then
TotRot += 1
End If
If Round(cubes[FaceCenter[nn]].yCG) <> 0 Then
If Round(cubes[ncube].yCG) = Round(cubes[FaceCenter[nn]].yCG) Then
TotRot += 1
End If
If Round(cubes[FaceCenter[nn]].zCG) <> 0 Then
If Round(cubes[ncube].zCG) = Round(cubes[FaceCenter[nn]].zCG) Then
TotRot += 1
End If
'Debug TotRot
Public Sub mix()
Dim TotRot As Float, quarters As Integer, rest As Float, dist As
Float, MaxDist As Float, f As Integer
Dim nn As Integer, nCube As Integer, turns As Float, Turn90 As
Integer, n$ As String, turns0 As Float
Dim nFace As Integer, t As Float
'nFace = 1
t = Timer
btnMix.Text = "Stop"
For turn90 = 1 To 18
nFace = Int(Rnd(0, 5.99))
RotationFilter = [Abs(Sgn(Int(cubes[FaceCenter[nFace]].xCG))),
turns0 = 0
For turns = 0 To Pi / 2 Step (Pi / 2 / 9)
modMotor3D.fVector3D = [turns - turns0, turns -
turns0, turns - turns0]
modMotor3D.fVector3D[0] *= RotationFilter[0]
modMotor3D.fVector3D[1] *= RotationFilter[1]
modMotor3D.fVector3D[2] *= RotationFilter[2]
For ncube = 0 To FaceCubeList[nFace].max
nn = FaceCubeList[nFace][ncube]
modMotor3D.Rotar3Df(cubes[nn].xCG, cubes[nn].yCG,
cubes[nn].zCG, ByRef cubes[nn].xCG, ByRef cubes[nn].yCG, ByRef
modMotor3D.RotacionLocalv(cubes[nn].Points, cubes[nn].Points)
modMotor3D.RotacionLocalv(cubes[nn].Normals, cubes[nn].Normals)
Wait 0.001
turns0 = turns
If State = stQuiting Then Quit
If State = stStopping Then Break
Me.Title = " Mixing time : " & Format$(Timer - t, "0.00") & "secs"
Public Sub btnMix_Click()
If btnMix.text = "Stop" Then
State = stStopping
State = stMixing
btnMix.Text = "Mix"
State = 0
End If
Public Sub Panel1_MouseDown()
Public Sub DrawTimer_Timer()
2015-11-24 21:50 GMT+01:00 Jussi Lahtinen <jussi.lahtinen at ...626...>:
> Seems to be bug in gb.jit. Please report it in:
> http://gambaswiki.org/bugtracker
> Jussi
> On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 7:26 PM, martin p cristia <tercoide at ...67...>
> wrote:
>> Thanks for all the critics, help improving things.
>> Version 0.1.6 just uploaded to the Farm has the following changes:
>> - .Refresh instead of a cached DrawingArea
>> - prevents click while mixing
>> - From starting position, mixing time (now displayed at the window's
>> title after the mix) takes : 3.95 secs with Antialias = False (@
>> Fmain.graph_drawer) and 8.00 secs when set to True, what's yours? Cube
>> actually fly here.
>> (to Jussi)
>> -> Sub modMotor3D.fRotateVector complains about receiving a Integer[] at
>> this line when declared as Fast:
>> matrizXmatriz(MatrizRVieja, MatrizRNueva, MatrizRotacion, 3)
>> all matrices are declared as Float[], as well as in the multiplication
>> routine
>> -> Sub Paint3D.SortPaths makes Ubuntu pop a Unexpected Error message
>> when Fast -ened, and program stops without making Gambas crash
>> -- Saludos Ing. Martin P Cristia
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