[Gambas-user] TextEditor crashes the IDE in rev. 7095

Adrien Prokopowicz adrien.prokopowicz at ...626...
Thu May 28 22:37:05 CEST 2015

Hello Benoît,

Since revision #7095, opening a project in the IDE makes it crash,  
because of the new TextEditor. Here is the full output of the IDE :

[adrien at ...2913... gambas3]$ gambas3
QPainter::end: Painter ended with 2 saved states
QWidget::repaint: Recursive repaint detected
QPainter::end: Painter ended with 2 saved states
QWidget::repaint: Recursive repaint detected
>>>> TextEditor.DrawLine.501: #6: Type mismatch: wanted CLineInfo, got  
>>>> CLineInfo instead

Because the error message does not make much sense to me, I tried a bunch  
"generic" solutions, including :

- Reinstalling gambas completely (make uninstall && make install);
- Checking out a fresh new SVN tree, and compiling and installing from it;
- Reverting to a few revisions between #7102 and #7095;
- Rebooting.

Unfortunately, none of these actually worked, I keep getting the same error
message again and again.

Do you have any ideas ? (System information attached)

Adrien Prokopowicz
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