[Gambas-user] Issue 627 in gambas: Components not loaded

gambas at ...2524... gambas at ...2524...
Mon Jul 13 16:51:33 CEST 2015

Comment #8 on issue 627 by flynetin... at ...626...: Components not loaded

The problem was partially resolved but there are still problems. If I  
create a custom component with classes common to several projects and then  
try to select the component from any of the projects I get the message "xxx  
component needs gb component" and it does not allow me to use it. Always  
use my component with my projects and had never had these problems. I've  
noticed that when I create my component package something has changed in  
the way of naming and possibly that is affecting how the components are  
recognized. It's an idea. Really i do not know what happen but the fact can  
not use my component forces to mantain duplicate classes in each project.  
Thank you for the progress made

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