[Gambas-user] Issue 608 in gambas: Need way to compile and exectute gambas project on a tmp folder.

gambas at ...2524... gambas at ...2524...
Wed Feb 25 14:38:09 CET 2015

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Version-Any Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium OpSys-Any Dist-Any  
Arch-Any Desktop-Any GUI-Any

New issue 608 by mati8... at ...626...: Need way to compile and exectute  
gambas project on a tmp folder.

My problem comes from the examples in debian packages. They, for security  
reasons (Honestly I did not find their true reasons.) specifically patched  
the installation to not compile the examples. :S

Of course, I can open the files, but when try compiling the examples  
produces an error:
>   gbx3: unable to find startup file.

Of course not give write permissions to the  
folder "/usr/share/gambas3/examples/*" and my proposal is that the compiler  
detects the write permissions and compile these into a temporary folder and  
then gbx3 can open execute these project.

My problem is with the examples, as I try to teach to some kids and can not  
run the examples that would be very useful. Temporarily copy all examples  
files to home. But I hope to provide a official solution. :S


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