[Gambas-user] Character movement game help

Kevin Fishburne kevinfishburne at ...1887...
Wed Feb 18 08:50:43 CET 2015

On 02/18/2015 01:04 AM, Jair Yunis wrote:
>     Alohaaa :)
>     I am working on a little game and just started creating the environment in
>     which the chracter moves around, that creates itself randomly as it is
>     discovered,
>     now, the thing is i want to make it in this particular way, but makes the
>     movement pretty much rough,
>     any ideas on how to make it smoother??? avoid lag and staff???
>     The main for has only a Gridview (H455 x W483)
>     and then 3 pictues (32 x 32) water.png, grass.png and forest.png added to
>     data

I would use the SDL and OpenGL components with orthogonal projection, 
which would make the graphics 2D and give you precise control over the 
size and placement of tiles/quads. The graphics code can remain distinct 
from the "main" code and yield smooth results by interpolating between 
"current" and "target" versions of key variables. I can provide code 
samples from my project if you need help "setting up" or using OpenGL in 
GAMBAS. For example:

Public Screen As New Window As "Screen" ' Render window SDL surface.

   ' Create client's screen.
   With Screen
     .FullScreen = False
     '.Framerate = 60
     .Resizable = False
   End With

   ' Show screen.

   ' Enable 2D textures.

   ' Set up alpha blending.

   ' Set texture environment mode.

   ' Enable backface culling.

   ' Set shading model.

   ' Enable lighting.
   Gl.LightModelfv(Gl.LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, [0, 0, 0, 0])

   ' Enable normal normalization so scaled objects are lit correctly.

   ' Set up the gamepad.
   PadDevice = Exec ["cat", "/dev/input/js0"] For Read As "Gamepad"

   ' Set audio channels.
   Channels.Count = 32

   ' Play loading screen music.
   Music.Volume = 0.5 * MusicScale
   If PlayMusic Then Music.Play(0, 0)

Public Sub SpritePixel(ScreenX As Integer, ScreenY As Integer, Width As 
Integer, Height As Integer, Centered As Boolean, SpriteScale As Integer)

   ' Draw specified sprite.

   ' Adjust position and size by sprite scale.
   ScreenX *= SpriteScale
   ScreenY *= SpriteScale
   Width *= SpriteScale
   Height *= SpriteScale

   ' Check if sprite is centered.
   If Centered Then
     ' Center sprite coordinates.
     ScreenX -= Width / 2
     ScreenY -= Height / 2

   ' Create the textured quad.
     ' Bottom-left vertex.
     Gl.TexCoord2f(0, 1)
     Gl.Vertex2f(ScreenX, ScreenY + Height)
     ' Bottom-right vertex.
     Gl.TexCoord2f(1, 1)
     Gl.Vertex2f(ScreenX + Width, ScreenY + Height)
     ' Top-right vertex.
     Gl.TexCoord2f(1, 0)
     Gl.Vertex2f(ScreenX + Width, ScreenY)
     ' Top-left vertex.
     Gl.TexCoord2f(0, 0)
     Gl.Vertex2f(ScreenX, ScreenY)


Hopefully this helps. I also have code to load textures from disk, 
convert them to OpenGL textures and map them to quads. I don't recommend 
using Qt or GTK objects for graphics; OpenGL is the way to go for 
consistency and control.

Kevin Fishburne
Eight Virtues
www: http://sales.eightvirtues.com
e-mail: sales at ...1887...
phone: (770) 853-6271

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