[Gambas-user] Path to script ": not found"

Adrien Prokopowicz adrien.prokopowicz at ...626...
Sun Aug 16 17:07:36 CEST 2015

Le Sun, 16 Aug 2015 16:05:35 +0200, abbat81 <abbat.81 at ...787...> a écrit:

> How can it be the path to my script is not found but path is 100%  
> correct.
> I tried Shell and Exec[]
> Renaming directory and file does not help.
> Path in 11.desktop:  "Exec=/Games2/11/11.sh"
>   Print "/Games2/11/11.sh"
>   Print Len("/Games2/11/11.sh")
>   Print MyArray[IconView1.Key]
>   Print Len(MyArray[IconView1.Key])
>    /Games2/11/11.sh
>    16
>    /Games2/11/11.sh
>    17
> How can I fix it and WHERE to do it?
> Thanks

This seems to be a very weird bug. Can you send a project that
reproduces it ?


Adrien Prokopowicz

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