[Gambas-user] Problem with MySQL syntax with DataSource and DataView

Martin McGlensey mmcg29440 at ...3163...
Mon Aug 3 16:29:21 CEST 2015

Some more information. If I create a Result object using the syntax below
the SQL query executes properly.


Dim sSQL as String = Null

Dim hRows as Result = Null


sSQL = "SELECT tblparcel_numbers.Key  FROM tblparcel_numbers WHERE
tblparcel_numbers.Key <>  " & frmEntry.DataControl10.Value

hRows = modMain.$Con.Exec(sSQL)


If hRows.Available Then


Message.Info("It Worked! " & hRows!Key)

End If


If I look at the db.Subst as a string it is "tblparcel_numbers.Key <> 2".
Which should be the correct syntax.

Looks to me as the datafile is OK and there is a bug in db.Subst.


If the SQL query/Result works what the problem with db.Subst?




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