[Gambas-user] A question on gb.gui

Gian bagoneo at ...69...
Mon Apr 27 22:53:07 CEST 2015

Il 27/04/2015 22:16, Charlie Reinl ha scritto:
> Am Montag, den 27.04.2015, 20:30 +0200 schrieb Gian:
>> Il 27/04/2015 19:41, Charlie Reinl ha scritto:
>>> Am Sonntag, den 26.04.2015, 14:39 +0200 schrieb Gian:
>>>> Il 24/04/2015 14:23, Gian ha scritto:
>>>>> Hello Benoit,
>>>>> Sorry if I let some criticism on the strategy gb.gui in this email.
>>>>> I state to be old and ignorant (to 16 years (1963) already around the
>>>>> world to work) and that I admire very much you and your collaborators,
>>>>> otherwise I would be silent.
>>>>> Ubuntu can represent for free software that Windows is for closed software.
>>>>> Ubuntu uses GTK and you love QT and that's OK.
>>>>> Gb.gui never completely properly worked, why insist? Is not better to
>>>>> abandon gb.gui, gb.gtk2, gb.gtk3 and focusing on those software that
>>>>> manage to combine the GTK with QT, explaining well the use to all
>>>>> shrimps, maybe helping them for installation?
>>>>> Thanks for the attention.
>>>>> Gianluigi
>>>> Hello Benoit,
>>>> I'm sorry if I offended you, it was not my intention. Quite the contrary.
>>>> I believe that the main feature of Gambas is the one that, with a few
>>>> clicks, we can get a GUI very effective and pleasant.
>>>> But if the GUI does not work...
>>>> I note that no one has commented on what I have written here, me wonder why?
>>>> Do not they want displease you?
>>>> Do not they use gb.gui (gb.gtk +)?
>>>> Do not they care if their code works with GTK?
>>>> They use Gambas only for fun or theoretical study?
>>>> They think that those who use Ubuntu is an idiot?
>>>> But perhaps it is more likely that having fought with these malfunctions
>>>> they have surrendered and now they use and do use a distro with KDE.
>>>> I really hope you understand that I am writing to build and not to destroy.
>>>> My best regards
>>>> Gianluigi
>>> Salut Gianluigi,
>>> I stopped to use gtk/gui in my projects, because of these known
>>> problems. Sometimes for small test apps with a quick clicked new project
>>> I finish with a gui, but on the first problem I switch to qt.
>>> And I do not care at all, if my code works with GTK, yes!
>>> And  actually I work with Ubuntu since 04.10 and with 06.06 I changed to
>>> LTS.
>> Hello Charlie,
>> Also I do so, I use exclusively Qt and I do the test  on Ubuntu with
>> installed Qt Configurations and two simple settings: Tab Appearance on
>> Plastique and Tab Fonts on Ubuntu 11 Regular.
>> Phil's application appears correctly colored as attached.
>> Thanks to the precious suggestion of  Ron Klinkien after a year I also
>> see the Gambas warning :)
>> Even you are using Qt Configuration or use another strategy?
>> Regards
>> Gianluigi
> Salut Gianluigi,
> yes, I use Qt Configuration, but for nice screenshuts I use a KDE
> distro, mostly a SuSE.

Hello Charlie,
You're right KDE is more beautiful, but Ubuntu with Unity is easy to use 
and you must find the right way to work with it.
Regards (and Good Night)

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