[Gambas-user] gb.data: Trie class
Tobias Boege
taboege at ...626...
Tue Sep 23 21:47:10 CEST 2014
in revision #6506, I added two classes to gb.data: Trie and TriePrefix.
Together they implement a Patricia Trie[0] a.k.a. Radix tree a.k.a. Prefix
Trie is the data container. It works just like a Collection. TriePrefix can
be used to limit searches to a common prefix. This way you can start doing
things way into the Trie and have to deal with less nodes.
Since the commit adds lots of new code, I would like people to test it with
the attached project. I will also attach the expected output in a text file.
(JFTR: There are no memory errors/leaks with it on my system.)
Also, Benoit: tell me what you think about the interface. I documented
everything in the source code (c_trie.c).
For the adventurous, I attach a simplistic command line interpreter which
shows the major deal with tries: the ability to search through a set of
strings simultaneously and doing fast (!) auto-completion of input among a
number of strings. (NB: I haven't tested this project thoroughly.)
PS: Please take revision #6507 which already corrects a bug.
[0] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radix_tree
"There's an old saying: Don't change anything... ever!" -- Mr. Monk
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-> root
q -> p
tall -> small
term -> 2+3
test -> tomorrow
text -> words
texte -> french
texte+ -> french
text+ -> words
text+e -> french
tex+t -> words
tex+te -> french
te+rm -> 2+3
te+st -> tomorrow
te+xt -> words
te+xte -> french
t+all -> small
t+erm -> 2+3
t+est -> tomorrow
t+ext -> words
t+exte -> french
+ -> root
+q -> p
+tall -> small
+term -> 2+3
+test -> tomorrow
+text -> words
+texte -> french
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